Who Are You?
One of the most unpleasant and condescending question that someone can ask you is, “who are you?” It is even more offensive when it’s asked with a certain tone of voice. Truth be told, there are better ways to ask someone to identify themselves. Like, “what’s your name sir/madam” or “may I please know who am speaking with.”
As much as “who are you?” may be considered an invasive question, it is the cardinal question you will need to answer with lots of clarity, first to yourself. If you’re to answer that question, would your answer be something that is articulate and evocative? Would it inspire confidence and vigor to your life?
The fiercest battle you’ll fight in this age and time is the question of your identity. Yes, your greatest battles are not in finances, health, work or relationships. Whoever defines you owns you, whoever names you, is your father.
A name carries personality, power and authority. That’s why God changed the names of people that did not align with His purpose for them. For example, Abram to Abraham, Serai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, Benoni to Benjamin, Saul to Paul and Jabez made a prayer that God would end the pain that he caused because of his name.
What name have you embraced that is not in line with who God calls you? Whether you’ve named yourself or others have named you or circumstances of life have named you, it’s interfering with the image of God in you.
Stolen Identity
Many people have accepted identities that circumstances or people gave them. Cancer patient or survivor, divorced, poor, ugly, hustler, fat, single mother, addict, etc. Identities like these ones leave you with a victim mentality so that even though you speak about the hope that you have in God, there’s no faith and energy to actualize your true identity.
Any good that happen in between are fleeting moments that rise and fall like the waves of the ocean on a deserted beach. For a brief moment, a shooting star lights the dark sky of night and quickly fades away, so is the joy of the person defined by circumstances.
On the flip side are the people defined by their achievements. Their education, car, phone, house, marital status, children, businesses owned or company position. These peoples’ lives rotate around the abundance of the things they have and the people they know.
The question is, if you are stripped of everything that you own, what will remain of your identity? Would you recognize yourself or will you also be shocked at what you see?
The world is on an overdrive to brand us everything else except who God made us to be. Our image has been torn apart and shredded to pieces tucked away in different boxes kept under lock and key. It is hard to project one consistent image because different platforms demand a different version of you.
There’s a difference between playing different roles in life and being a different person in different platforms. Playing different roles does not split your personality, it’s a natural transition like walking, sitting and lying down. For example, a man can be a husband, a father and a farmer.
The world through culture, technology and regulations has created platforms that demand you to be a different person in the name of diversity, inclusion and security. Access to services, opportunities, resources and some basic human rights are tied to your compliance with the set rules. Your personal preference or convictions don’t matter. This overreach is done covertly or overtly through media, entertainment, education curriculums, propaganda, government regulations and policies fronted by certain international organizations.
These platforms or organizations seek to shape culture by sponsoring and enforcing their set agenda. Those who rise against their predetermined mindset receive a hostile backlash and are labeled out of touch with the 21st century and intolerant. The cancel culture that is now so prevalent bear testament to the toxic nature of poisoned social media platforms.
The Power of Environment
An environment will repulse the person who wants to unsettle its set order. In fact, the word environment means to enter/put in (en), then to surround/enclosure (viron) and to cement what’s in it/solidify (ment). Therefore, in order to change an environment, you must employ a greater force than the one at work in that particular environment. An environment will always seek to conform you to itself.
This is why many people have resigned to whatever identity their environment has imposed upon them. The tragedy is that it doesn’t end well for the one defined by negative situations or the one defined by worldly achievements.
For the one defined negatively, their lives are a misery and a struggle while for those defined by achievement, pride and discontentment are their constant companion. So then, is it a question of you’re doomed if you have and you’re doomed if you don’t have?
No, far from it. The original mandate of man is to be fruitful and to come to the place of dominion. This is only possible for the person who understands and walks in their divine identity. The only true, wholesome, profitable and fulfilling identity is the one found in Christ.
It doesn’t matter what life circumstances throw at you, you will remain steadfast in your faith and trust in God like Job and Abraham. In the end, Job and Abraham were defined by what God said about them and not the circumstances of life. Through faith and patience (which are strange qualities in the world) they obtained the promises of God (Hebrews 6:12). They refused the worldly labels of barrenness for Abraham and the tragically troubled man for Job. In the end they triumphed.
Who Does God Call You?
God calls you, a son, more than a conqueror, the apple of His eye, righteous, king, soldier, ambassador, co-worker, priest, confidant, friend, heir of God and joint heir with Christ, a god on the earth (not to be worshipped but to represent God), holy, the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, healed, wise, a lender to nations, the light of the world, the salt of the earth, and so much more.
God did not ordain and predestinate you to come and try life on the earth. Your identity was predetermined before the foundation of the earth and it’s not subject to change by situations and circumstances. Your identity determines who you become, how you live and what you achieve in life. Don’t settle for an inferior image and identity.
Fix your image, put on Christ and walk with Him always. The next time someone asks you, “who are you?” whether condescendingly or with no ill intention, smile confidently and ask them whether they want the long version or the short description.
Dear Heavenly Father, Your Word is my life, and the light that guides my path in victory and glory. I thank You for giving me such a beautiful, extraordinary, exciting, fulfilling, exceptional and excellent life; a glorious life that radiates joy, excellence, and peace. I thank You for the renewal of my mind through Your Word and enlightening my spirit to see and walk in my glorious future. I refuse to be held back by yesterday’s experiences, for my path is as a shining light, shining brighter and brighter, for Your glory.
Irrespective of contrary circumstances, I stir up joy from within; Your glory, grace, and righteousness are seen and manifested in me. I’ll never walk in darkness, because my spirit is enlightened through the Word and the Spirit to know and take a hold of my inheritance in Christ. Eternal life is my present-hour possession in Christ. I have that unfading, incorruptible, indestructible, imperishable life, resident in my spirit. I refuse to be intimidated in this life, for I’m strong in the grace that’s in Christ Jesus. Fear has lost its power over me, for greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
The Word of God has taken full possession and expression in, and through my spirit, my soul and my body. I’ve been brought from humanity to eternity; therefore, I have dominion over death, sickness, disease, infirmity, failure, lack, and all the rudiments of this world.
Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit who has come to take His abode in the quarters of my heart, permanently. In all that I do, I acknowledge Him as my Helper, Comforter, Counsellor, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby. I am totally dependent on His power, taking advantage of His divine ability, strength, and wisdom at work in me, to fulfil my purpose, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Great is my peace and prosperity; for I am a fruitful branch of a fruitful Vine. The blessing of God is on me and on all I do. I’ve been programmed, consecrated, and anointed to bring forth lasting fruits. There’s no room for failure in my life. Everything I do prospers; anything I’m involved in grows; I am productive in all seasons. I am strengthened, energized, endued with power, ability, and might.
I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth fruit in season; my leaf never withers, and whatsoever I do, prospers. I am a great personality, I have access to all nations, no limitations, no boundaries. I flourish like the palm tree, I grow like a cedar in Lebanon; majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible. I’m bearing fruits unto righteousness, established on the path of success and glory forevermore, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
I affirm that my light can not be hidden; my sun does not rise to set; I don’t go up to come down. I’m ever-blazing by the Spirit, full of divine inspiration; I’m an epitome of excellence, creativity and innovation. Everything I set my hands to do prospers; and every day, I bring glory, honour and praise to the Father, because God is at work in me by His Spirit, causing me to excel in all good works. Glory to God!
I am alive in Christ. I am born of God; therefore, I live in victory and dominion over sickness and death. I glorify God in my body and in my spirit with health and wholeness, and nothing in me is ‘sickable’ or prone to death. Praise God! Eternal life is in my spirit and the life of Christ is the light of my life; therefore, I refuse to allow any transaction or manifestation of darkness in my life.
I am in Christ, a place of safety, authority, and dominion, where righteousness reigns supreme. I enjoy good health daily because Christ is alive in me. My body is not subject to any form of disease or infirmity. I am strengthened with might by God’s Spirit in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!
God wants me to prosper and dwell in health even as my souls prospers. Therefore, my body, my soul, and everything about me & in me conforms to God’s will. I live in God’s deathless zone, walking in the light of His Word. I walk by faith and not sensory perception, so I refuse anything that tries to contradict what the Word of God has said concerning me.
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