Fashion Industry Status

Fashion is a huge multi trillion-dollar industry spanning all the six continents. The fashion industry pre Covid pandemic employed about 450 million people worldwide. That’s about one in eight people in the global workforce. The fashion industry has the potential to have a huge positive or negative impact on the world.

Currently, the major impact from the fashion industry and particularly within its complex and multi-tiered production supply chains is negative. Its impact on the environment, workers and consumers has a cascading trail of destruction, abuse and a horrible culture of waste and greed among others.

According to a report by Common Objective (CO), each year the fashion industry consumes 79 billion cubic metres of water and 31 billion litres of crude oil, enough to fill 12,402 Olympic pools. Each year it uses 43 million tonnes of chemicals. A quarter of the chemicals it releases into rivers and waterways are toxic to aquatic ecosystems. Of the 1.3 million factories and mills involved in garment supply chains, only 2% of the factories participate in an ethical scheme that encourages good environmental practices, labour rights, or fair trade standards. 85% of global fashion brands rank poorly in sustainability indices.

Fourteen million workers in the fashion industry do not earn enough to live on and around 181 million are in precarious, insecure work.

Except for the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, over 100 billion items of clothing are sold each year. The big fashion brands appetite for profits has led to over production. This coupled with fast fashions low prices and deceptive marketing has created a bad consumer culture. People buy more clothes than they need and discard after a short time.

This trend has made the fashion industry to be highly unsustainable. The world can’t fix itself because it runs on the power and force of greed. This is why a Kingdom Fashion Revolution is necessary. God’s fashion design and business in nature operates flawlessly in a balanced eco-system of supply and value chains that have no negative impact.

There’s a Kingdom Fashion Business Model that if we applied, we would not only reconcile the world of fashion back to God, but we would also experience the greatest wealth transfer into the hands of believers. It starts by acquiring the right knowledge, gaining understanding and applying wisdom that will cause the transformation.

That’s what we seek to accomplish at Kingdom Fashion Revolution. To empower Christians called into the fashion industry with the right knowledge, skills and experience in order to do fashion like God and get God kind of results.

Climate change is a direct result of the negative practices of man in his quest to line his pockets with more money. As long as my pockets are growing fat with money, I care less about the environmental impact. This is not a surprise because the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one and his nature is to steal, kill and destroy.

The only solution is to seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness and to introduce and enforce His Kingdom and will on earth as it is in heaven. All of creation is awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God and saints, now is the time and today is that day, let’s rise up to the occasion and show forth the praises of our God.