Image Consultancy Redefined

image consultancy redefined

The Image:

Long before there was any image guru on the face of the earth, the Godhead held a conference and decided to come up with a creature called man. They communed among themselves and imagined the kind of environment that would be conducive for man to thrive in.

After their discussions and planning, they rolled up their sleeves and descended to the earth one by one. The Holy Spirit was first, scanning the earth like an antivirus software does on a computer. Then the Father gave the reboot order when He said, “let there be light.”

For the next six days, the most amazing scene played out. The earth became filled with new textures, patterns, colours, movement, sounds, scents and wonder as the various plant and animal kingdoms popped up here and there over the plains, hills, valleys, rivers, lakes, seas and air.

The crowning moment happened on the last day of creation when God said, “let us make man in our own image and after our likeness.” For the first time, God got His hands “dirty” as he bent down and took clay and crafted the body of the first man, Adam. He then breathed into him and the clay became alive and glorious, powered by the spirit and managed by the soul.

Later on, He caused Adam to wander into slumber land and took the opportunity to pull Eve out of His rib. When Adam awoke, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He beheld the most beautiful creature of all that God had made and he couldn’t help but prophesy.

Then God planted a garden and placed His most treasured creation in it and blessed them and commanded them to be fruitful, multiply, subdue, replenish and have dominion. Oh, how I wish it had remained so.

Soon thereafter though, that old enemy of God after suffering defeat in heaven decided to take revenge on God on the earth. Targeting the image of God in man, he deceived the woman and together with her husband, they traded God’s image for Satan’s. The image of God in man became distorted, defiled and disfigured.

Since that time, man has been involved in warfare to recover the image and to perfect the image. In Christ Jesus the image is restored (in the spirit), and also an ongoing process (in the soul) that happens from glory to glory as we behold Him in the mirror of the Word. In the world however, the distortion and destruction of the image of God in man among those who are not saved (man fell short) is deteriorating from worse to worse.

The Bible records that in the last days (which are already here) darkness shall cover the earth and GROSS DARKNESS THE PEOPLE (Isaiah 60:1-2). The world is not getting better, it is getting worse by the day. In the midst of these present darkness, God has called you to arise and shine as light.

It is your light that will attract the kings of the earth. It is your light (image/purpose/gift) that will bring you to the place of prominence, influence, impact, fulfillment and wealth. God has called you at such a time as this to be a saviour (Obadiah 1:21), to be the solution bearer for those struggling with their image. Light is best appreciated in darkness. BUT…there’s a mismatch.

The Mismatch

the mismatch

If you’re an image consultant, there’s a high chance that your business is currently struggling. This business struggle is a strange paradox because all around, you can see the potential opportunities that abound. What happened?

Well, the world has changed – “who doesn’t know that?” you probably may ask! The question is, how has the change impacted you and your potential clients?

The image consultant playbook that you were taught in college or through apprenticeship needs an upgrade. It no longer delivers satisfactory results as it used to. Your potential clients are looking for more than is provided for in your playbook.

There has been a redefinition of terms and this has occasioned a need to reevaluate the value proposition that image consultants provide. The image of your potential client is not just in need of a powerful self-presentation, it needs a remake because 98% of your potential clients have their image shattered.

Neither are they looking for you because they’re unaware they need your services. The reason why your messaging is not resonating with them is because you’re still using the old marketing methods. Your marketing is tone deaf and your potential clients can’t connect with your messaging.

The traditional approach focusing on the ABC of image consulting is not enough to deliver the personal and professional goals of your client in the current social and work environment. The art and science of Appearance, Behaviour and Communication has been disrupted, reconfigured and redefined.

Appearance has been fragmented, Behaviour has been rendered subjective and communication has become too noisy. All this in a world that’s increasingly unstable, unpredictable and experiencing change at lightning speed in all spheres of life. Your potential clients are overwhelmed, unsure of themselves, desperate and in fear, but have learnt to mask their emotions and real needs.

The Reset

the reset

Whereas the market size for image consultancy has just exponentially exploded, it requires a new approach. There’s an X-Factor that’s available to the believer professional within this space.

The original image consultancy playbook has the authentic definition of terms and the service delivery charter. You must master image consultancy from the original playbook – the Bible – if you’re going to be relevant and be on the A-list of super successful image consultants in this age of the “new normal.” It is no longer enough to master the art of communication; the game changer is mastering both the art and the spirit of communication.

The following terms have been redefined:

  • Image
  • Consultant
  • Consultancy
  • Appearance
  • Behaviour
  • Communication
  • Digital Presence
  • Emotional balance/intelligence


The Success Factors

  • What’s the X-Factor and how can you reposition yourself and your brand to offer the much-needed solution to the ever-growing market for image consultancy?
  • What are the Kingdom principles governing image consultancy?
  • What’s the Kingdom assignment of the image consultant?
  • Discover potential new areas of opportunity for image consultancy


The Masterclass

Register for the Kingdom Image Consultant Masterclass and get to learn these and more over a three-day period (9am-12:30pm), starting on Thursday, June 2nd to Saturday, June 4th.

Click here for full details.

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