Kingdom Fashion Revolution is an organization that seeks to empower Christians called into the fashion industry to do fashion like God and thereby get God-kind of results.

The fashion industry is dominated by players who know little or nothing about God’s blueprint for the fashion industry. The repercussions of their error has been catastrophic at all elves of the fashion supply and value chains.

The ministry of reconciliation has been committed to the children of God and it is therefore our responsibility to restore Kingdom order (righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit) wherever God has positioned us.

Environmental destruction, mistreatment of garment workers and the negative culture of consumerism are a manifestation of the works of the kingdom of darkness. God has called us to be salt and light and we therefore arise and shine to show the world a more excellent way of doing fashion.

Kingdom Fashion Revolution is committed to help the believer understand the world of fashion from a Kingdom perspective through sharing of knowledge, training, business incubation, support and networking.

The time is short and the master is about to come back to settle accounts. Let’s occupy and do business until He comes. The world has not yet experienced the full potential of the fashion industry and its original purpose as ordained by God.

Hi, my name's David, a co-founder of Kingdom Fashion.

I'm passionate about doing fashion like God
and employing fashion as a tool to influence
culture and cause a Kingdom Revolution
according to Matthew 28:19-20