God the Fashion Designer.
Now more than ever, the world is desperate for Kingdom solutions and God is eager to demonstrate His wisdom through His children. It's time to do fashion like God and get God-kind results.
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What will you learn
from this book?
Highlights from the topics covered in the book.
- 1
God the Fashion Designer
The case and evidence of God as the Fashion Designer plus His own fashion sense and style.
- 3
Qualities of God's attire
You'll understand why Jesus said the lilies were better dressed than Solomon in all his glory.
- 2
Governing Principles
Discover God's Fashion Design principles that none of the leading fashion colleges teach.
- 4
Quantum Fashion
The supernatural expression, function and purpose of fashion that the world wants to bury.
What's inside
A sneak peek into the chapters.
Chapter I: God the Fashion Designer
The creator of something always has the blueprint of the product. He is the one who truly understands the motivation and purpose behind his creation. Therefore, to truly understand fashion, we have to understand who God is and what was His motivation in creating fashion.
Chapter II: Governing Principles
God as the chief and master fashion designer has put in place principles that govern his work of design. If we’re going to design and be successful like God, then we have to embrace God’s governing principles relevant to the fashion industry.
The governing principles that God employs in the fashion industry is what will separate and give you an edge and an unrecoverable lead over the secular fashion designer or other players within the fashion industry who have no relationship with God.
Chapter III: Design Principles
Without principles, all the harmony and balance we find in nature would not exist. God used wisdom – the practical application of knowledge and understanding – to align everything perfectly.
God as the fashion designer is the originator of all the principles governing fashion design and we see them throughout creation. The five major principles in fashion design are discussed in this chapter.
Chapter IV: Man as a Fashion Design Product
Out of all creation, man is the best dressed because out of all creation, it’s only man that has been fashioned in the image and likeness of God. The Genesis account of creation reveal to us a certain precedent on the process that God used. Every time God wanted to create different living things, He spoke to the source material from which He wanted them to come from.
Man is fashioned after God and having this understanding helps us to visualize just how great the fall of man was. We’re supposed to dress like God and whereas our bodies will experience full salvation at the second coming of Jesus Christ, it is possible at this very moment to channel the life of God into them so that we live above the effects of the law of sin and death that is currently ravaging the world.
Chapter V: Man the Fashion Designer
Every person that is born into the world, come with gifts and talents and a unique divine purpose. There are those who God has specifically called into the fashion industry.
Fashion design is a calling given by God for the purpose of translating and expressing the identity of a person through clothes. As a fashion designer, it is important to understand that fashion design is not just a career but a divine placement with divine responsibility and expectations from God.
Chapter VI: Quantum Fashion
In our exploration of quantum fashion, we want to focus on how to activate the governing principles that we read about in chapter two in order to do fashion at God’s level and get God kind of results.
As a born-again believer, the spiritual world is not strange to you. The Bible tells us that we’re now seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The Bible also says that it has been given to us to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Moreover, the Kingdom of God is within us and Christ lives in us.
Chapter VII: How to Activate Quantum Fashion
There are secrets that heaven has reserved for God’s children. There are technologies and designs that the best of the worlds’ designers cannot gain access to. These secrets are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. It requires diligence on our part as the Bible says, it is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search it out (Proverbs 25:2). This honor is upon the royal children of God who operate as king priests in their area of calling.
Chapter 1. God the Fashion Designer
Read about the divine history of fashion from the beginning. The motivation and purpose of fashion from God’s perspective.
2. Governing Principles
Discover the divine principles that God employs in His fashion design work. These principles set Him apart and they’re available to you too. Find out about them and gain advantage.
Chapter 3. Design Principles
The design principles are different from the governing principles. There are five major fashion design principles and God was the first one to make use of them excellently. Get to see these principles in action.
Chapter 4. Man as a Fashion Design Masterpiece
Did you know that man is a fashion design product? How is man dressed up in his spirit, soul and body and why does man struggle to dress according to his divine style? Read all about it in this chapter.
Chapter 5. Man the Fashion Designer
Fashion is a divine calling and those called into this field must understand their divine assignment and responsibility. Read all about it in this chapter.
Chapter 6. Quantum Fashion
There’s a supernatural angle to fashion and this is the gamechanger level. Master quantum fashion and you’ll manifest heaven on earth.
Chapter 7. How to Activate Quantum Fashion
Find out the simple steps you can take to rightly position yourself to do fashion like God and get God kind of results.