The Business of Kingdom Fashion
God is the original fashionpreneur and a very successful one in all respects. This book is about learning from God, how He runs His fashion business. When we handle our businesses like God, then we succeed like Him.
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What will you learn
from this book?
Highlights from the topics covered in the book.
- 1
The Fashion Business Outlook
We take a closer look at the global fashion business scene to see how it's operating and if its effective or defective.
- 2
God the Fashionpreneur
God runs the most successful design house and brand. You will learn the values that drive Him and the returns He receives from His fashion business
- 3
The Greatest Business Challenge
God the almighty faced one challenge in His fashion business and it is the same challenge you will face in your business. Learn about it and see God's solution.
- 4
The Success Formula
We're divinely wired for dominion and there's a formula that God put in place that guarantees success to everyone of His children.
What's inside
A sneak peek into the chapters.
Section One: Global Fashion Business Outlook
The global apparel market as at 2017 was worth USD 1.34 trillion a year. If you include footwear and jewelry, it comes to USD 2 trillion. In the same year, 107 billion items of clothing were purchased.
Section Two: God The Businessman
God is a businessman and a great one in all respects. He is strategic, visionary, diligent, wise, and immensely successful. The business of Kingdom fashion is a serious business because it is God’s business.
God as the businessman accounts for everything and so must we. In the Bible, the parable of talents gives us a clear demonstration of this aspect of God because He’s portrayed as a businessman and not the usual Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Creator, Savior, Miracle-Worker or Friend.
Section Three: The Greatest Business Challenge
There are many challenges that businesses experience at different times. God also experienced a challenge in His fashion business. Someone stole His trade mark from His best collection/piece – man. In my book “God the Fashion Designer”, I wrote how man is a work of fashion and the designer’s label on man is the image and likeness of God.
When Satan deceived Eve and they partook of the forbidden fruit together with her husband, the trademark was defaced so that man did not resemble God. Man took on a new nature, the nature of sin.
Section Four: The Success Formula
There are those who God has specifically called to the fashion industry and these are each uniquely equipped to thrive and succeed. There’s no failure in God’s vocabulary, you’re wired for dominion, you will not start at the top, but the top is the reason for the call.
The formula for Kingdom success is spelt out in the first chapter of the book of Genesis when God declared the reason for creating man. It’s a systematic formula that builds from one step to the other until the final objective is achieved. Dr. Myles Munroe said that success is predictable. There are certain things that if you do consistently, then you make your way prosperous and obtain good success as God advised Joshua (Joshua 1:8).
Section One: Global Fashion Business Outlook
Read about the global fashion business outlook and its impact on the environment, the workers within the supply chain and also its impact on the consumers of fashion products.
Section Two: God The Businessman
Business is about offering value by meeting your customer’s need. God is a businessman and in this section you’ll learn how God meets the fashion needs of creation, the returns He gets and what He expects from you.
Section Three: The greatest Business Challenge
God experienced a business challenge in His fashion business and it is the same challenge that you’ll experience too in your business. Find out how God solved it and how you can overcome too.
Section Four: The success Formula
Nobody goes into business to make losses and to fail. The desired path for business is growth and success. This is the desire of God too for all of His children and He has put in place a formula that not only guarantees success, but lasting success. Learn about in this section.